The pleasure trail western saddle is an excellent choice for those that want a comfortable, lightweight, and affordable saddle. The pleasure trail has high-quality upper full-grain leather which ensures long life and maximizes comfort while riding. The lower sections of the saddle are made up of top-quality synthetic leather and this contributes to durability, strength, and safety by offering you maximum grip on your horse’s back. Equipped with a rawhide cantle, and silver conchos, this new half-round skirt design offers more sustainability in terms of world resources. Seat Size: 14″, 15″, 16″, 17″. Tooling Type: Floral tooled leather on swell and cantle with rawhide. Skirt: 25×24, 25.5×25, 26×25, 27×26.5. Material: Hybrid (Synthetic leather and Natural Leather). Rigging: In skirt rigging. #pleasuretrail #lightweightsaddle #comfortablesaddle #affodrdablesaddle #hybridsaddle #adultsaddle #westernsaddle.